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Home Fantasyobchod Rozšiřující příručky Dungeons & Dragons – The Practically Complete Guide to Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons - The Practically Complete Guide to Dragons

SKU: 66726

Nádherná kniha se spoustou ilustrací, které vám pomohou nahlédnout do života draků a všeho, co se okoli nich točí. Dozvíte se více o dracích, jejich vzhledu, schopnostech, zvycích, hnízdech, nebo třeba pokladech. Zjistíte, jak s draky bojovat, ale také jak se s nimi spřátelit a létat na nich. Skvělý dárek pro všechny milovníky draků. Příručka je v anglickém jazyce. This lavishly illustrated guide showcases the variety of fantastic dragons encountered in the worlds of DUNGEONS & DRAGONS®. Extraordinary wizard Sindri Suncatcher shares his personal notebooks to divulge his knowledge of these magnificent creatures, from the life cycle of a kind copper dragon to the best way to counteract a red dragon’s fiery breath. With tips on everything from fighting dragons to riding them, The Practically Complete Guide to Dragons offers abundant insight into the most awe-inspiring creatures in all the worlds. Detailing the appearance, capabilities, habits, lairs, and treasures of ten dragon kinds, and annotated with Sindri’s personal observations and experiences, this beautiful volume will inspire endless adventures in the imagination. The Practically Complete Guide to Dragons combines the very best content from three classic bestsellers: A Practical Guide to Dragons, A Practical Guide to Dragon Riding, and A Practical Guide to Dragon Magic. Fully updated with all the latest lore, this indispensable volume contains everything new adventurers need to know about the most iconic monsters of fantasy! Contents: THE ULTIMATE DRAGON LOVER’S GUIDE: Part field guide, part illustrated storybook, A Practically Complete Guide to Dragons is a trustworthy resource for dragon lovers of all ages, combining the best content from previous installments in the Practical Guide series. UNDISCOVERED LORE: Taken from the wizard Sindri Suncatcher’s personal notebooks, this book offers fans a deep dive into the majesty and lore of D&D’s most fantastical creatures. THE START OF A LIFELONG ADVENTURE: Your mystical journey begins here. Delight young dragon enthusiasts and inspire a lifelong love of adventure with this magical book. INSPIRATION FOR DUNGEON MASTERS: Both new and experienced Dungeon Masters will find a treasure trove of knowledge in this book. Every page is filled with extraordinary dragon lore that Dungeon Masters can use to enrich their D&D campaigns. LAVISHLY ILLUSTRATED: Behold majestic art on every page, drawn by some of the most beloved fantasy artists of today!

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