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Home Fantasyobchod Star Trek Adventures RPG Star Trek Adventures: Gamemaster s Guide

Star Trek Adventures: Gamemaster s Guide

SKU: 66726

Příručka Star Trek Adventures: Tricorder Collector s Box Set pro gamemastery ve světě Star Treku - Star Trek Adventures RPG. Příručka je v angličtině, je k ní zapotřebí vlastnit základní pravidla. THESE ARE THE VOYAGES… The Gamemaster’s Guide for the Star Trek Adventures roleplaying game presents a wealth of all-new information for new or novice Star Trek gamemasters, as well as for experienced gamemasters looking for additional guidance and new rules options to enhance their missions and campaigns. All content in this book is new and supplements the material and advice found in the core rulebooks and other supplements. The first chapter is duplicated in the Player s Guide to ensure gamemasters and players have a common frame of reference. The Star Trek universe is ready to be explored. What kind of campaign will you run? This full color, 248 page digest-sized book is packed full of gamemaster advice, tables, and artwork, all designed to enhance your gameplay and delight your players. This guide requires a Star Trek Adventures core rulebook to use. Features: A primer on the essential elements of Star Trek, setting details, technology, and how Star Trek Adventures enables you to fold those elements into your game experiences. A wealth of optional rules and gamemaster tools, including extended consequences, advanced traits, Stress and Injury variants, and advanced combat rules. Plus, deep insights on effectively using the game mechanics, gleaned from 4 years of feedback and development. A dozen sample encounters and over 20 sample extended tasks you can use to enhance your missions and campaigns and challenge your players. A detailed discussion on how Star Trek stories are structured, and advice on developing scales of stories, from one-shot adventures to multiple-season campaigns. Definitions of six key Star Trek eras, enabling you to set stories anywhere in the Star Trek timeline; and nine distinct play styles, from deep space exploration to close to home, and beyond.

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Zboží z filmů a seriálů: Harry Potter, Zaklínač, Hra o trůny, Pán prstenů, Marvel, Hvězdné války, Assassins Creed, World of Warcraft


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