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Home Fantasyobchod Knihy v angličtině Grombindal: Chronicles of the Wanderer

Grombindal: Chronicles of the Wanderer

SKU: 66726

Grombindal: Chronicles of the Wanderer je kniha o legendárním Bílém trpaslíkovi ze světa Warhammer: Age of Sigmar. Kniha je v angličtině. A Warhammer Age of Sigmar Anthology Grombrindal – the White Dwarf. Few names conjure up as many tales of adventure and intrigue, and his legend grows across the length of breadth of the Mortal Realms. READ IT BECAUSE This legendary Warhammer character comes to life through the eyes of the various duardin across the Mortal Realms. THE STORY The duardin are a proud folk, renowned throughout the Mortal Realms for their peerless craftsmanship and their stubbornness in battle. They are also a divided people. But whether they dwell in the stone halls of their doomed ancestors, in the furnace heat of Fyreslayer lodges, or free from the anchor of their traditions in skyborne cities, they share a common legend – that of an aged traveller, a wanderer, whose timely arrival will avert calamity and right intractable wrongs. When the foes of the duardin are many, when the foul creatures of the realms bay at the doors, Grombrindal will return and take up his axe once more.

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