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Home Fantasyobchod Raritní sci-fi RPG The Starship Warden RPG

The Starship Warden RPG

SKU: 66726

Příručka The Starship Warden pro sci-fi hru na hrdiny z prostředí obří vesmírné lodi o 17ti podlažích, která byla kdysi dávno zhotovena pro více než milion lidí. Potom se však něco zvrtlo... Příručka je v angličtině. They designed the Starship Warden to house, feed, and clothe over a million people. To do this the designers outfitted this massive ship, miles long and miles wide, to serve as a home for people, offering up quarters and cafeterias, restaurants, and malls all intermingled with a host of features to mimic earth-like conditions, from artificial lakes to fields of crops. Her maiden voyage began with hopes and dreams of a future like nothing humanity had ever seen. But that was long ago. There has been no contact between the Warden and Earth for many long years, for on the ship something went horribly awry. Radiation leaks, singularity, mutations, madness -- what it was -- only those on board could say. Whatever it was, her inhabitants, those that lived, dwell in a world of want and despair, and when they are not preying upon one another, they fight beastly mutants, cyborgs, self-aware robotic humanoids, and all the other creatures who vie for the precious resources of the beleaguered starship. It is your time now. Rise in the chaos of the Warden and bend its apocalypse to your will - or be ground away in the lonely quiet of deep space. A sci-fi based RPG usable with the Amazing Adventures Rules and Starsiege. This 17 level mega ship offers countless hours of fun and enjoyment!

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Tipy z nákupní galerie

Zboží z filmů a seriálů: Harry Potter, Zaklínač, Hra o trůny, Pán prstenů, Marvel, Hvězdné války, Assassins Creed, World of Warcraft


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