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Home Fantasyobchod Rozšiřující příručky Dungeons & Dragons – Bigby Presents: Glory of the Giants (Alt Cover)

Dungeons & Dragons - Bigby Presents: Glory of the Giants (Alt Cover)

SKU: 66726

Limitovaná edice rozšiřující příručky s alternativní obálkou pro Dungeons & Dragons 5. edice vás zavede do gigantického světa obrů. Dozvíte se více o jejich společenství, hierarchii, náboženství a mnoho dalšího. Dungeon Master dostane do rukou více než 70 nových monster a spoustu herní inspirace. Hráče čeká nová subclass pro barbariana, nové featy i magické předměty. Příručka je v anglickém jazyce. Explore the wondrous realms of giants with this supplement for the world’s greatest roleplaying game.  Bigby the Great recounts his journeys into the history, myth, and society of giants in this guide to their realms in the worlds of Dungeons & Dragons. Here Bigby and the demigod Diancastra, child of the giants’ All-Father, Annam, unveil the secrets of Annam’s mighty descendants. Players will find a wealth of giant-themed character options: a subclass for barbarians, two backgrounds related to giants and their runic magic, and feat options that evoke the strength and primal magic of the giants. Dungeon Masters will gain inspiration for bringing giants to life, from maps of giant-built sites and big new monsters to tremendous treasures and intriguing trinkets in a giant’s bag! Let Bigby and Diancastra teach you everything about the iconic giants of D&D! Contents: Delves into unrevealed giant lore, including an overview of the hierarchical structure of the ordning and giants’ religion, and ideas about giants’ organizations and societies across the multiverse. Adds giant-themed player character options where adventurers can evoke the glory of giants with 1 new barbarian subclass, explore the vast world of giants with 2 new backgrounds, and unlock 8 new feats to unleash runic magic and wield elemental power. Displays a wondrous collection of 30+ magic items, including 3 illustrious artifacts. Offers a plethora of tools for Dungeon Masters including lair maps, adventure hooks, encounter tables, treasures, and giant roleplaying inspiration. Presents a giant bestiary! More than a third of the book is devoted to monster descriptions, lore, and stat blocks. Discover a vibrant ecosystem filled with new giant kinds, 70+ new monsters, and other enormous creatures.

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