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Home Fantasyobchod Dungeon Crawl Classics Dungeon Crawl Classics: Dying Earth Boxed Set

Dungeon Crawl Classics: Dying Earth Boxed Set

SKU: 66726

Sada Dying Earth Boxed Set obsahuje spoustu herního materiálu pro hru na hrdiny Dungeon Crawl Classics. Sada je v angličtině. V boxu najdete: Player s Libram (64 stran) Primer of Practical Magic (104 stran) Intimate Anatomy of Several Creatures and Personages of the Twenty-First Aeon (96 stran) Mapa Dying Earth (55 x 43 cm) Explore the singular world of Jack Vance s Dying Earth, set in the last days of the world, where magic and science mix and quarrelsome wizards fight endlessly! With Dungeon Crawl Classics Dying Earth, you ll discover the tools you need to play in the worlds of Cugel and Rhialto, search for the mighty Pandelume, or fall under the yoke of an uncaring crane as you search for glittering trinkets among the bewitched remains of the ancient land. You ll find new classes, creatures, patrons, spells, and more inspired by the stories of the Dying Land to use in your Dungeon Crawl Classics game, including four new classes: wizard, thing, traveler, and witch, as well as new rules for grudge tokens that track the resentments characters build up with every minor imprecation they encounter. This game also includes a beautiful map of the world of Dying Earth illustrated by Doug Kovacs. A copy of the Dungeon Crawl Classics rulebook is required to use this set.

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