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Home Fantasyobchod Twilight: 2000 Twilight: 2000 Core Set

Twilight: 2000 Core Set

SKU: 71515

Sada Twilight: 2000 Core Set obsahuje vše potřebné, abyste se mohli pustit do hraní hry na hrdiny z postapokalyptického prostředí umístěného do alternativní reality třetí světové války - do světa, kde Sovětský svaz nikdy nezanikl. V této krabicové verzi naleznete: Lifepath Character Creation kostky Base Dice (D6, D8, D10 D12) 4 modulární mapy pro boj kartonové žetony lokace pro scénáře Americatown karty iniciativy kostka Ammo karty setkání kostka Hit Location lokace pro scénáře The Prison 4 další mapy pro boj mód pro hru 1 hráče oficiální soundtrack Virtual Tabletop Edition pravidla Conversion Rules lokace pro scénáře The Burned Town Expanded Gear Section pravidla Base Building Rules druhá sada kostek Base Dice lokace pro scénáře The Children´s Crusade mapy Scenario Site Maps The Black Madonna PDF Localized Character Scheets kostky Thematic Custom Dice Homeland Hack Sada je v angličtině. Kalisz. We’re still only in Kalisz. We need to get out of here. Fast. The artillery barrages are getting closer. The Soviets will be here soon. Sarge says we move out after dark. I’m not sure we’ll last that long. A classic roleplaying game returns. This new retro-apocalyptic edition of Twilight: 2000, published in partnership with GDW and Amargosa Press, goes back to the roots of the franchise with open-world roleplaying in the devastation of World War III. Just like the original 1984 edition, this new game is set in a year 2000 devastated by war - now in an alternate timeline where the Soviet Union never collapsed. Twilight: 2000 is a roleplaying game about survival in mankind’s most desperate hour. Yet, in this bleak world, there is still hope. In the midst of utter destruction, you can start to build something new. Rally people to your ranks. Stake a claim and protect it. And maybe, if you live long enough, start turning the tide. This boxed set contains: A 152-page Player’s Manual, including rules for character generation, skills, specialties, combat, base building, and travel. A 112-page Referee’s Manual, describing a world at war and including 52 ready-to-play encounters and four complete scenario sites. A huge 864 x 558mm double-sided full-color hexagon travel map. 15 engraved custom dice, including ammo dice and a hit location die. 16 modular battle maps, designed to create an endless variety of battlefields. Four battle maps for specific scenario sites. 108 cardboard tokens for fighters, vehicles, conditions, and more. 52 encounter cards. 10 initiative cards. Five blank character sheets ready to be filled in. Odkazy: Video Rules Breakdown by RPGGamer (anglicky)

Twilight: 2000 Core Set na imago.cz

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