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Home Fantasyobchod Warhammer 40000 Roleplay Warhammer 40000 Roleplay: Wrath & Glory Litanies of the Lost

Warhammer 40000 Roleplay: Wrath & Glory Litanies of the Lost

SKU: 66726

Příručka Warhammer 40000 Roleplay: Wrath & Glory Litanies of the Lost pro hru na hrdiny z prostředí oblíbeného světa Warhammer 40000. Příručka obsahuje čtyři vzrušující scénáře. Příručka je v angličtině. Bathed in the corrupt light of the Great Rift, the Gilead System is rife with peril. Vile xenos assail humanity from all sides, internecine strife between the factions of the Imperium threathen a catastrophic civil war, and daemonic entities penetrate reality from Cicatrix Maledictum. Discover devious plots and unravel murderous mysteries amongst feuding faiths on the agri world of Ostia. Investigate tech heresy, mechanical misdemeanours, and arcane rituals amongst the manufactora of the forget world Avachrus. Protect the holy shrine world of Enoch from enemies without, and traitors within. Litanies of the Lost includes: Duty Beyond Death: something has gone nightmarishly wrong at the Pakthertius Servitor Manufactorum — investigate to discover its arcane technological secrets, and try to be the first to emerge alive! Dark Bidding: a clandestine contract to procure a stolen stasis coffin with mysterious contents leads the party deep into the mechanical bowels of the Adeptus Mechanicus’s underworld. Grim Harvest: a spate of strange deaths at an agri world mega-acreage threatens its crucial crops, but the source may be more sinister than the frictions between the competing Imperial factions in the area. Vow of Silence: an investigation of potential heretical activity at a silent monastery goes awry when some unexpected — and murderous — guests arrive.

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