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Home Fantasyobchod Numenera Numenera Destiny

Numenera Destiny

SKU: 66726

Numenera Destiny je core příručka pro hru na hrdiny z prostředí Devátého světa (Ninth World). Ke hře budete potřebovat také druhou core příručku Numenera Discovery. Příručka je v angličtině. Become a part of the setting, and help shape the future of the Ninth World. The people of the Ninth World are locked in a medieval-like state, a world of struggle and danger and often suffering—all in the shadows of the prior worlds’ wonders. The 416-page (plus double-sided poster map) Numenera Destiny hardcover allows you to build adventures and campaigns in which players don’t just explore the wonders of the past—they utilize them to help lift the Ninth World out of darkness. You can make the world a better place. Help a community defend itself from abhumans or the iron wind. Create centers of learning or trade. Innovate, build, and protect. Manage an entire community and help it prosper and grow—or simply create new cyphers, a cool base, or maybe a vehicle for your adventuring group. Discovery—through exploration of the weird and wondrous remnants of the prior worlds—is the core of Numenera play, and Numenera Destiny gives you new things to do with your discoveries, and entirely new and epic ways to structure your game. Numenera Destiny introduces three new character types, along with a number of additional character options, geared toward this innovative style of play. You’ll also find salvaging and crafting rules, additional numenera items, more creatures, expanded setting information, and four additional adventures. With Numenera Destiny, take what you discover and make use of it, for yourself or the future of the Ninth World!

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Zboží z filmů a seriálů: Harry Potter, Zaklínač, Hra o trůny, Pán prstenů, Marvel, Hvězdné války, Assassins Creed, World of Warcraft


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