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Home Fantasyobchod Raritní fantasy RPG Unglorious RPG – Corebook

Unglorious RPG - Corebook

SKU: 66726

Hra na hrdiny, která začíná tam, kde ostatní končí – smrtí vašeho hrdiny, který kvůli své neopatrnosti udělal fatální chybu. Místo věčného spánku vás však uvítá kraj mrtvých, který je plný nemrtvých úředníků a malých kostlivců, kteří pobíhají kolem a doručují důležité zprávy. Můžete se vypravit zpět do světa živých, ale dávejte si pozor na nebezpečné lovce nemrtvých – Livingjoys a proradné Necrolovers, kteří vládnou temnými silami a chtějí zotročit každou mrtvolu, která se jim dostane do rukou. Vyberte si, jestli se vaší postavou stane Skinny (kostlivec), Squishy (zombie), Windy (ghost) nebo Stuffy (mumie), vybavte se schopnostmi a pohřebním vybavením a vypravte se do svého nového neživota. Příručka je v angličtině. Unglorious – The Necro-fantasy TTRPG Unglorious, the Necro-fantasy RPG lets you play the role of an adventurer who passed away due to their carelessness and has now risen again to seek the glory they couldn’t obtain when they were alive. Settle your unfinished business in the land of the living, face the land of the dead’s exhausting bureaucracy and join the most heroic deceased warriors! It’s time to rise and fight once more… and hopefully do better this time around. Unglorious RPG: Setting You’re dead. It happens, especially to those who charge into battle with no skills and end up mauled by a bear, splattered at the bottom of a cliff or with their head smashed against a pole. Let’s just say no one will sing songs of your deeds. But never fear, nothing is lost – except for your good looks and most of your skin. See, after you died you found yourself in the Orchard, the land of the dead, halfway between the world of the living and the string of afterlives waiting for souls to be sorted. The Orchard is a world of pure dead essence, crowded with corpses ready to resurface. Offices, eternally tired employees and Boneys, tiny skeletons carrying notices, letters and death certificates strut through the Orchard’s streets. You may go to the border if you want to return to the land of the living in order to settle your scores and gain enough glory to reach the most exclusive afterlives. But beware of the Order of the Livingjoys, shady hunters of the dead, and of the Necrolovers, posers who became far too powerful after amagic surfaced, and who are now ready to enslave any carcass they happen upon. Unglorious launches you into a humorously canonical fantasy world, mixing the atmospheres of Medievil and Army of Darkness with a Tim Burton-ish style. Aces Games - Unglorious, il gdr Tesla-punk, Ambientazione e non morti Live out the adventures cut short by your premature death and become familiar with your new body and powers only a dead person could have… but try to be more careful this time. Unglorious RPG: Gameplay All you need to play Unglorious, the Necro-fantasy RPG, are 2 10-sided dice (D10) and your Death Certificate, which is your character sheet. Unglorious’ rule system favors simplicity, while still offering in-depth characterization for your dearly departed. The game’s speediness, in fact, is already apparent in the creation of your characters – a process specifically devised to give you the opportunity to use one of your old characters who died during other RPG campaigns (we know there must be a few) and launch right into gathering some good, old-fashioned glory. Choose whether to play a Skinny (skeleton), a Squishy (zombie), a Windy (ghost) or a Stuffy (mummy); purchase spells and upgrades (all very somber, obviously) for your Funeral Equipment and join one of the Orders to gain access to specific resurrection and evolution privileges. So, dust off your dead adventurers’ old character sheets or get ready to create a new one and… well, die!

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