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Home Fantasyobchod Průvodci The Witcher Official Cookbook

The Witcher Official Cookbook

SKU: 66726

Oficiální kuchařka ze světa Zaklínače vám pomůže nahlédnout pod pokličku těm nejlepším kuchtíkům, kuchařkám a kulinářským mistrům, kteří se inspirovali ve světě herního Zaklínače. V knize najdete osmdesát lahodných receptů, které vám připomenou všechna místa, která jste si ve hře oblíbili. Od idylických zákoutí Bělosadu, přes vybrané pochoutky přístavního Novigradu až po luxusní delikatesy pohádkového Toussaintu. To vše je doplněno nádhernými fotografiemi. Kniha je v angličtině. Eighty mouthwatering and restorative recipes inspired by the bestselling video game series The Witcher, from hearty tavern fare and fortifying drinks to lavish banquets for feasts with friends. Take a culinary journey through the fantastical world of The Witcher with thoughtfully imagined, flavorful recipes inspired by The Witcher s expansive settings, characters, and lore. In this beautifully photographed cookbook, Anita Sarna and Karolina Krupecka, the creators of fan-favorite food blogs Nerds Kitchen and Witcher Kitchen, share their meticulously-researched, immersive recipes that give fans a taste of the distinct flavors a witcher might sample as he travels the countryside in search of monsters to slay and coin to earn. These dishes celebrate local and seasonal ingredients while adding unique twists that form a culinary map of the Continent and beyond. Warm up over a bowl of fragrant stew or juicy baked fruit from the namesake trees of White Orchard; end a hard journey to Velen with a hearty, rustic meal at the local tavern; enjoy an aromatic snack as you stroll the markets of Oxenfurt; sample dishes from near and far in the diverse port city of Novigrad; dine on freshly-caught fish and mulled drinks on the islands of Skellige; feast on rich dishes in the sun-drenched climates of Toussaint and Beauclair; or forage on the perilous road to Kaer Morhen to learn the edible secrets of the witcher s keep. Transport your kitchen to another world with the tempting scents and flavors in The Witcher Official Cookbook.

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