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Letters from Father Christmas

SKU: 66726

Nádherně zpracovaná kniha v pevné vazbě s ilustracemi vánočních dopisů, které posílal J. R. R. Tolkien svým dětem. Kniha je plná krásných digitálních reprodukcí původních dopisů odeslaných mezi lety 1920 až 1940. Obsahuje spoustu nádherných příběhů ze severního pólu – třeba když se sobům povedlo utéct a rozutekli se po okolí, když se lední medvěd propadl střechou do Santova domu, nebo když museli na pólu bojovat s gobliny, kteří žili v jeskyních pod domem. Nádherný doplněk sbírky pro každého Tolkienova fanouška. Kniha je v angličtině. This edition of Tolkien’s famous illustrated letters from Father Christmas to his children is presented in a new hardback edition. The perfect Christmas gift for Tolkien lovers of all ages. This classic festive book of Tolkien’s amazing Father Christmas letters written to his children between the 1920s and the 1940s has been reworked into a new hardback edition to match other beloved Tolkien titles. It contains high-quality digital reproductions of his beautiful letters and pictures. ‘My dear children, I am more shaky than usual this year. The North Polar Bear’s fault. It was the biggest bang in the world, and the most monstrous firework there has ever been. It turned the North Pole black!’ Every December an envelope bearing a stamp from the North Pole would arrive for J.R.R. Tolkien’s children. Inside would be a letter in strange spidery handwriting and a beautiful coloured drawing or some sketches. The letters were from Father Christmas. They told wonderful tales of life at the North Pole: • How all the reindeer got loose and scattered presents all over the place • How the accident-prone Polar Bear climbed the North Pole and fell through the roof of Father Christmas’s house into the dining-room • How he broke the Moon into four pieces and made the Man in it fall into the back garden • How there were wars with the troublesome horde of goblins who lived in the caves beneath the house! Sometimes the Polar Bear would scrawl a note, and sometimes Ilbereth the Elf would write in his elegant flowing script, adding yet more life and humour to the stories. From the first note to Tolkien’s eldest son in 1920 to the final poignant letter to his daughter in 1943, this book collects all the remarkable letters and pictures in one enchanting edition. No reader, young or old, can fail to be charmed by the inventiveness of Tolkien’s Letters from Father Christmas.

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