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Home Fantasyobchod Fantasy Warriors of the Freeguilds

Warriors of the Freeguilds

SKU: 66726

Warriors of the Freeguilds je anglicky psaný sborník příběhů ze světa Warhammer: Age of Sigmar. A Warhammer Age of Sigmar Omnibus A collection of gripping tales telling the story of the Freeguild – the massed warriors of the Mortal Realms who serve Sigmar with grit, perseverance, and unwavering devotion. READ IT BECAUSE This omnibus edition contains tales of heroism and sacrifice – focusing on the rank-and-file warriors of the Freeguild, as well as the Sigmarite faithful they are sworn to protect. Take a look at their great battles and their work in support of other organisations like the Order of Azyr. Also included are an array of short stories which explore other human tales of courage and sacrifice in the God-king’s name. THE STORY The Freeguild. A name synonymous with grit, determination and perseverance. Nothing less will do in the Mortal Realms, for the enemies of Sigmar are without number. Armed only with sword and shot, these men and women march out from the bastions of civilisation, intent on retaking the lands of their forebears. Whether it be in grand, wheeling formations on the burning plains of Aqshy or hacking through the overgrown wilds of Ghyran, the warriors of the Freeguild must face down the unthinkable time and again in the desperate hope of preserving humanity’s next dawn. CONTENTS: City of Secrets (novella), by Nick Horth Callis & Toll: The Silver Shard (novella), by Nick Horth Heart of Winter (novella), by Nick Horth Thieves Paradise (novella), by Nick Horth Callis & Toll: The Old Ways (short story), by Nick Horth Eight Lamentations: Spear of Shadows (novel), by Josh Reynolds Eight Lamentations: The Tainted Axe (short story), by Josh Reynolds Eight Lamentations: Auction of Blood (short story), by Josh Reynolds The Red Hours (novella), by Evan Dicken

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