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Home Fantasyobchod Symbaroum RPG Symbaroum RPG – Davokar Awakens

Symbaroum RPG - Davokar Awakens

SKU: 66726

Příručka Davokar Awakens s dobrodružstvím pro švédskou fantasy hru na hrdiny Symbaroum RPG Příručka je v angličtině. A Symbaroum adventure The Eternal Night has descended on the Forest of Davokar. With the sixth and final episode in The Chronicle of the Throne of Thorns, the fate of the world will be decided. The darkness that for centuries has been fettered by the roots of the woods breaks free and spreads in all directions; the living are faced with a seemingly hopeless fight against a never-ending flood of merciless enemies. But is all hope lost? That question remains for you and your friends to answer. Featured Content Kniha obsahuje: The adventure Davokar Awakens, where the player characters are given a chance to impact the fight for the Throne of Thorns, and thereby the future of the game world. Maps and descriptions of a dozen adventure locations, brimming with tough challenges, colorful characters, mystical treasures, and historical artifacts. Guidelines for journeys in the awakened Davokar, complemented with new event tables and over a dozen pre-made scenes to introduce where you see fit. A chapter detailing the battle against the darkness, with descriptions of both defending and attacking units. New treasure tables, new artifacts, and a customized list of mishaps which can affect uninformed or ill-prepared adventurers. Note that this book requires access to the Symbaroum Core Rulebook, and that it does not come into its own without the Advanced Player’s Guide, Game Master’s Guide, and Monster Codex.

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