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Home Fantasyobchod Knihy v angličtině Deliverance and Damnation

Deliverance and Damnation

SKU: 66726

Deliverance and Damnation je anglicky psaný sborník plný příběhů ze světa Warhammer! V knize najdete na téměř 700 stránkách pět novel od autorů: Danie Ware, Justin Woolley, Ben Counter, David Guymer a Gary Kloster. Kniha je v angličtině. Experience all these thrilling tales in this collection of five novellas from the worlds of Warhammer: Taken prisoner by orks and forced to build an effigy to their alien gods, Marcus van Veenan plots his escape, for the Imperium must be warned of the growing greenskin threat. On the isolated world of Kepris, the Soul Drinkers Space Marine Chapter deploys to break the bloodthirsty cult that rules the world. But will this new Chapter s name spell its doom? The Order of the Bloody Rose unleashes the Emperor s wrath upon hereteks across a corrupted forge world – but something terrifying lurks within the planet s darkness. For generations, Arbitrium has given up the bone tithe to the skeletal servants of Nagash. Now, with a lodge of Fyreslayers coming to their aid, they might finally be able to break the cycle of servitude and forge their own destiny. Civil war wracks the House of Chains, and Goliath fights Goliath. For the ogryn Breaker Brass, this is an opportunity to free himself from slavery and forge his own destiny in the underhive.

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Zboží z filmů a seriálů: Harry Potter, Zaklínač, Hra o trůny, Pán prstenů, Marvel, Hvězdné války, Assassins Creed, World of Warcraft


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