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Home Fantasyobchod Raritní sci-fi RPG Dreams and Machines: Starter Set

Dreams and Machines: Starter Set

SKU: 71515

Dreams and Machines: Starter Set je základní sada pro hru na hrdiny z daleké budoucnosti. V balení najdete vše potřebné pro hru, včetně kostek, karet či žetonů. Sada je v angličtině. Something is Waking on Evera Prime. Begin Your Adventures in Dreams and Machines. Dreams and Machines collide in a far future where its people come together to rebuild, the ultimate tale of hope and heroism in the shadow of the Wakers. Danger grows and the world is once more under threat. Do you dare to dream? A vast distance from Earth, a human colony bearing the scars of a self-inflicted apocalypse survives on the distant world of Evera Prime. In the shadow of ruined megacities humanity rebuilds, scavenging technology from the Old World and returning to a simpler way of life. Among the mountains and valleys of New Mossgrove, the mechs of the Old World dot the landscape, deadly tools of a corrupt A.I.. Since the war that finally defeated the machines, they have been locked in a slumber that’s lasted hundreds of years - but occasionally, they awaken, and when they do, these ‘Wakers’ continue their programming to wreak havoc across the world. Begin your journey to discover the secrets of Evera Prime with the Dreams and Machines Starter Set. Features: Start playing the moment you open the box using a tutorial designed to get new players and gamemasters straight into the action without preparation! Create unique characters mapped out with a hand of cards. Go on a thrilling adventure; explore ancient ruins, find powerful technologies, fight dangerous Wakers, and encounter hunting parties of Thralls, bio-engineered creatures, and malevolent nanograms! Unique updates to the 2d20 system encourage players to help each other through every step of the journey and use their Spirit to power the action. Contents: 1x Tutorial Booklet 1x Adventure Booklet 1x Rules Reference Booklet 5x D20 Dice 152x Tokens 42x Player Character Cards 26x Equipment Cards 52x NPC Cards 31x Illustrated Location Cards 13x Knowledge Fragment Handouts 7x Character Save Envelopes 7x Rules Reference Cards

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