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Home Fantasyobchod Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay: Enemy Within – The Horned Rat Companion

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay: Enemy Within - The Horned Rat Companion

SKU: 66726

Příručka Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay: Enemy Within - The Horned Rat Companion obsahuje herní kampaň pro Warhammer Fantasy RPG. Příručka je v angličtině. The Horned Rat Companion is the fourth of our five-part series of companion volumes to the Enemy Within campaign. It is packed with supplementary material to not only expand The Horned Rat but also support any WFRP games which feature the skulking Skaven as a foe. The Horned Rat Companion Includes: More lore and information on the Skaven, their history and society, and the terrible God to which they give praise. A huge selection of new equipment, spells, weapons, and contraptions to outfit your Skaven NPCs with. New encounters in the city of Middenheim and the Middle Mountains, perfect to drop into The Horned Rat, or any Skaven focused campaign. A GM’s guide to The Yellow Fang, an insidious cult that both worships the Skaven and seeks to outdo them. A new career, the Dwarf Ironbreak, perfect for a stout dwarf seeking to face down the loathsome ratmen in the tunnels beneath the Old World. Two classic adventures, revised and updated for WFRP 4th Edition - Horror in the Dark, featuring a terrible encounter in a twisting mine, and A Little Help From My Friends, a kidnapping case beyond any but the greatest, shortest detective in all of Middenheim. The Return of the Gravelord: Everyone’s favourite self-obsessed Necromancer returns to harry the Characters throughout the events of The Horned Rat. Is it paranoia if everyone really is out to get you?

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