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Home Fantasyobchod Vaesen - Nordic Horror Roleplay Vaesen RPG – Seasons of Mystery

Vaesen RPG - Seasons of Mystery

SKU: 66726

Příručka Seasons of Mystery obsahuje čtyři samostatně hratelná mystéria pro švédskou hororovou hru na hrdiny Vaesen - RPG. Příručka je v angličtině. Still are the forests large and small, wrapped in the frosty white, only the distant waterfall murmurs and hums in the night. The nisse listens and, half in dream, thinks it is time’s ceaseless stream, wonders which way it is going, And from what source it is flowing. – VIKTOR RYDBERG Within these pages you will find four spine-tingling cases for Vaesen – Nordic Horror Roleplaying. This book contains four standalone mysteries, one for each season of the year: Contents: A Dance with Death – Travel to the green vales of Dalarna in the springtime to investigate strange events in a remote village. Fireheart – During the summer heatwave of the century, journey south to the ironworks of Häryd and confront a fearsome adversary. The Devil on the Moor – On the autumnal moors of Denmark, find yourselves in a struggle between the ways of old and the designs of modernity. A Winter’s Tale – Cross the Baltic Sea and brave the wintry forests of Ingria, where an unknown being stalks the night beneath glittering stars.

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