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Home Fantasyobchod Raritní fantasy RPG The Wizard and the Wastes

The Wizard and the Wastes

SKU: 66726

Příručka The Wizard and the Wastes s originálním světem pro hry na hrdiny. Příručka je v angličtině. There are the cities and villages. Then there s the Wastes. Beyond. Where the witches and wizards hide. Kings and Queens lead armies of flying war machines against each other, bombing countrysides into ashy echoes. Soldiers with rifles and bayonets guide tanks down village streets. This is the backdrop for the world, where Spellcasters hone their craft, probe the Wastes, and try to make a difference before the Corruption turns them into monsters. Casting Spells Magic is always a bargain. When casting a spell, a magic user declares the intent of the spell and what they hope to accomplish with it. After that, the table talks about how much Corruption should be gained from a spell of that power, magnitude and reach. Then the bargaining begins. The spellcaster can make counter offers, give up Insight, take on Toxicity, or offer up other things in order to get a good bargain and cast their spell. After the spell is cast, it is lost forever. What Spells? Magic cannot be tied down by single list of spells. When a Spellcaster first takes their oath, they choose their spell source and use it to create their own spells. This can be any text, image, or music from the real world. By spending Insight, a Spellcaster can probe their spell source to produce more spells. Literature, Graphic Novels, Music, Poetry, Photography, Paintings Saves Whenever a mage reacts to a risky situation in which the outcome is not made clear, they roll a d20 attempting to get under their Save. Failure results in Harm. Harm The book itself is just under 70 page and is filled with tools and thoughts needed to run this game. Random tables, NPC creation, Potions, Magical Features, Monstrous Traits, How to Run a Shop, and Petitioning to an Ancient Being (me).

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Tipy z nákupní galerie

Zboží z filmů a seriálů: Harry Potter, Zaklínač, Hra o trůny, Pán prstenů, Marvel, Hvězdné války, Assassins Creed, World of Warcraft


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