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Home Fantasyobchod Sci-fi The Urdesh: The Serpent and the Saint

The Urdesh: The Serpent and the Saint

SKU: 66726

Anglická kniha Urdesh: The Serpent and the Saint z prostředí oblíbeného sci-fi světa Warhammer 40000. Kniha je v angličtině. Join the Iron Snakes as they battle for survival on the desolate Forge World of Urdesh. The mighty world of Urdesh is burning. The smoke of war mingles with that of her many volcanoes; the wreckage of battle litters her forge-cities and chokes her fertile seas. Until the warriors of the Imperium can free Urdesh from the grip of the Anarch, the future of the entire Sabbat Worlds Crusade will hang in the balance. Across these ashen battlefields strides Brother-Captain Priad and the warriors of Damocles Squad. They must keep safe one of the Imperium’s greatest weapons: the Beati, the reincarnated Saint Sabbat herself, whose very presence on Urdesh inspires the Imperial armies on to glory. But the enemy has plans for the Saint too, and against the malice of the Anarch and the trickery of the warp the Iron Snakes may truly need a miracle to prevail…

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