The Silmarillion: 30th Anniversary
De luxe edice Silmarillionu vydaná k 30. výročí první publikace. Obsahuje nově revidovaný a upravený text a plnobarevné ilustrace. Luxusní provedení jen podtrhuje box z průhledného plastu. Kniha v anglickém jazyce. To celebrate the 30th anniversary of first publication, a new de luxe edition of The Silmarillion, featuring the revised, reset text, a colour frontispiece illustration, bound in special materials and presented in a matching slipcase. The Silmarillion is an account of the Elder Days, of the First Age of Tolkien s world. It is the ancient drama to which the characters in The Lord of the Rings look back, and in whose events some of them such as Elrond and Galadriel took part.
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