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Home Fantasyobchod Raritní sci-fi RPG Stargate SG-1 Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook

Stargate SG-1 Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook

SKU: 66678

Stargate SG-1 Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook, to je základní kniha pravidel pro hru na hrdiny ze světa oblíbené sci-fi Star Gate - Hvězdná brána! Příručka je v angličtině. Greetings, Traveler. You’ve been recruited by Stargate Command (SGC) to defend the galaxy against the Goa’uld System Lords. Stationed at the secret Phoenix Site, you now embark upon your training within the Stargate program. Each adventure through the Stargate opens a journey to known and unknown worlds where the future of civilizations may be decided. Your decision to join our cause is greatly appreciated by the Tau’ri and the people of the Milky Way galaxy. This Core Rulebook will serve as your guide. Use it to aid in your training for our explorations and in battles to come. The Stargate SG-1 Roleplaying Game is a sci-fi tabletop game, where you assume the role of a Stargate team member, working with a secret off-world Stargate Program – designated Phoenix Site. As a member of the Stargate Phoenix Site, you and your teammates will go on missions guided by a Gatemaster to explore new worlds and cultures, obtain new technologies, and fight to preserve freedom across the Milky Way Galaxy. Obsah příručky: Create your own character by choosing from 5 Races, 6 Classes, and a multitude of possible Origins. Classless Leveling: Post level 5, you can start to cross-train your character and choose from a wide variety of Feats that allow you to mold your character just as you d like. Participate in new plot and action Encounter types such as Convince, Research & Development, Aerial Combat, Pursuit, Firefight, and many more. Create your own Stargate stories and use our new Campaign System that guides you on how to create a campaign like you would a TV Series of your very own. Familiar 5th edition d20 base rules that have been highly adapted to fit a modern sci-fi setting. Focus on social and plot mechanics with the addition of Determination Points and Moxie for social turn order. Catch-up on the state of the Universe with a Stargate Program Brief chapter which details all we know leading up to season 7. This includes new Goa uld, planets, allies, and life forms. Doplňky – volně ke stažení Stargate SG1: RPG Epizoda 0 - Katastrofa (CZ) Deník postavy pro Stargate SG1: RPG (CZ)Cestovní balíček - Karty Střetnutí pro Stargate SG1: RPG - Katastrofa (CZ)

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