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Home Fantasyobchod Dungeon Crawl Classics Orcs! A High Octane Adventure!

Orcs! A High Octane Adventure!

SKU: 66726

Příručka Orcs! A High Octane Adventure! obsahuje orčí dobrodružství pro 4 až 6 hrdinů na 3. úrovni v RPG Hubris: A World of Visceral Adventure (kompatibilní s Dungeon Crawl Classics). Dobrodružství je inspirováno klasikami jako jsou Šílený Max nebo Snowpiercer. Příručka je v angličtině. Orcs is a high-octane adventure (duh!) for four to six 3rd level characters, set in Hubris: A World of Visceral Adventure (which uses the awesome Dungeon Crawl Classics ruleset). Inspired by Mad Max: Fury Road and Snowpiercer, the adventure begins with the PCs on a train, traveling the Great Plains of Unbidden Sorrow towards the Land of Perpetual Stone and Mire when it is beset by an Orc raid! The group must make their way up to the engine car (or they can just hop off and take their chances out in the open... yeah, good luck with that), battling orcs and their horrible abominations. The adventure doesn’t have a map, instead it uses playing cards to generate the map at random. Each time a GM runs it, not only will the adventure be different based on player decisions, the map itself will be different. Many of the rooms have random events that occur to spice things up even more. It even includes a new Hubris/DCC class, the Gunslinger!

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