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Necklace of Skulls

SKU: 66726

Necklace of Skulls je anglicky psaný gamebook z prostředí mayských mýtů, kdy budete smlouvat o svůj život se strašlivými démony! Kniha je v angličtině. Put yourself at the heart of the story… The sole survivor of an expedition brings news of disaster. Your twin brother is lost in the trackless western sierra where none can survive. Resolving to find out his fate, you leave the safety of your home far behind. Your quest will take you to lost jungle cities, across mountains and seas, and even into the uncanny depths of the underworld. You will plunge into the eerie world of Mayan myth. You must confront vengeful ghosts and bloodthirsty gods, bargain for your life against terrifying demons, find allies and enemies among both the living and the dead. Then, if you are brave enough to face the dangers of the spirit-haunted western desert, you must still confront the wizard called Necklace of Skulls in a deadly contest whose stakes are nothing less than your own soul. * * * Critical IF books are interactive adventures with a difference. You can be a mutant with the power to warp reality. A buccaneer whose sword and pistol are a match for any foe. A daring rogue leaping between rooftops. A wizard who can command the elements. Be anyone you can imagine. Choose from almost five hundred different character types, each with their own unique skills. Strong stories, vivid settings and compelling characters make Critical IF the game-changers of the interactive fiction genre.

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Tipy z nákupní galerie

Zboží z filmů a seriálů: Harry Potter, Zaklínač, Hra o trůny, Pán prstenů, Marvel, Hvězdné války, Assassins Creed, World of Warcraft


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