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Home Fantasyobchod Gamebooky v angličtině Lone Wolf 2: Fire on the Water (Definitive Edition)

Lone Wolf 2: Fire on the Water (Definitive Edition)

SKU: 66726

Fire on the Water (Definitive Edition) je druhý díl úspěšné řady gamebooků série Lone Wolf, v anglickém rozšířeném vydání. Kniha je v angličtině, v pevné vazbě. In this DEFINITIVE EDITION of the classic gamebook, the work of JOE DEVER and GARY CHALK is reunited in print for the first time since 1991. Bitter war rages through your homeland as the Darklords of the west lay siege to the capital. The King has commanded you to make haste to the realm of Durenor, to retrieve the only power in Magnamund that can save your people - the Sommerswerd, the sword of the sun. Ahead of you lie treachery & sabotage, ferocious seastorms, the tunnel of Tarnalin, and the ghostly death-hulks of Vonotar the Traitor. Enemies hide beyond every turn of the page. Will YOU rise to meet your destiny? FIRE ON THE WATER is the second book in the LONE WOLF series - a unique interactive fantasy series. Each episode can be played separately or combined to create a continuous role-playing epic. The DEFINITIVE EDITION series from Holmgard Press is the first time Joe Dever s epic 32-book saga has ever been produced in one consistent format. Available in deluxe collectable Hardback, and soon in paperback. Drawing on the best artwork from across the years, with text freshly edited and gameplay newly tweaked by dedicated Lone Wolf scholars at Scriptarium and Project Aon, and with new supplementary material compiled by Authors August Hahn, Vincent Lazzari, and Joe s son Ben Devere - the DEFINITIVE EDITION series is an authoritative lasting testament to the world of Lone Wolf.

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